M&R Communications Limited was founded in 1983 to take over the simultaneous interpretation division of Multitone. One of the founders of the company, ‘Fred’ Rolfe, was one of the first female sound engineers in the UK. Fred started working with Simultaneous Interpretation equipment in 1972 and still plays an important planning and advisory role within the company.
M&R, like all similar companies working in the conference market, has a small specialised staff. The four senior engineers have between them worked for M&R for an amazing 56 years and are now all directors of the company. They are supported by an office manager and two engineers. Additional staff are brought in from a list of freelance staff who have worked with M&R for a number of years while establishing their own careers as musicians, actors and artists.

Jean Henriot, Technical Director
“My main activity is keeping equipment running and designing units to improve the performance of our systems. I always hope that by getting out on-site to install and operate equipment I keep in touch with current trends and when an interface unit is required I can design something which really does the job.”
Jonathan Collins, Manufacturing Director
“My responsibility is to design and oversee the production of booths and all the hardware and flight cases for M&R. Based in the West Midlands, I also look after our local clients (local meaning from the East Midlands to Wales and Manchester).”
Garry Baker, Logistics Director
“I see that the right kit goes to the right place on the right day. I am also on the front-line, installing and operating equipment and so insuring that M&R’s service is kept up to the mark.”
Jim Loughery, Operations Director
“Based in Scotland, I do a lot of the overseas work and am responsible for operations in Scotland, Northern England and Ireland.”
Mary Latham, Office Manager
“M&R’s administration is open and transparent. We try to provide clear quotations for a service so that the final price reflects the job done. Also, I hope to supply simple and specific paperwork which will not confuse our staff or yours.” |
Ben Denness and Chris Lee de Lisle
are efficient and experienced engineers who are out on-site most of the time. |